Dubai Modelling: The Skills You Need to Master before Stepping on the Runway

Posted in How to Become a Model in Dubai?

Ever walked on the sizzling sands of Jumeirah Beach in summer? You know how scorching hot it can get, right? Now, imagine the heat of the spotlights flooding over you on the runway. It’s an entirely different kind of sizzle, a fierce glamour that’s as captivating as the glittering cityscape of Dubai itself.

Welcome to the high-stakes, high-style world of Dubai modelling. A fun fact for you: With more than 200 nationalities living in Dubai, it’s not just one of the global leaders in fashion and luxury, but also one of the most diverse catwalks on the planet.

The Dubai Modelling Checklist

But let’s clear something up. Stepping into the cut-throat world of modelling – especially in a hub as dynamic as Dubai – isn’t as easy as a stroll down Sheikh Zayed Road. There’s a lot to learn, a lot to master. And it all begins with knowing what it takes.

“What’s the one thing you need?” A friend asked me this when I first broke into the industry. He was a photographer then, a big name in the modelling agencies Dubai circuit right now.

“It’s not your figures, not your cheekbones. It’s resilience,” he said, his gaze steady. At first, I thought he was messing with me. But as I learnt the ropes, I realized the truth in his words. In a world that’s as ruthless as it is chic, resilience is the need of the hour.

Mastering the Art of Resilience

Modelling is not just about looking good on camera or strutting down the runway — it’s about putting in the hard yards behind the scenes. It requires mental strength, emotional stability and the ability to adapt.

One day, you might be wearing a flowing Dior gown in an extravagant show, and the next you could be sporting an indie designer’s work in a small startup event. And sometimes, you might not be walking shows at all. Rejections, criticisms, mishaps — they’re all a part of the journey. But can you imagine the thrill of eventually hearing the words, ‘You’ve got the part!’

Developing a Steely Focus

An essential skill but often undervalued, being able to maintain focus amidst the glamour and chaos is pivotal in the world of modelling. Dubai’s modelling industry is a whirlwind of shows, shoots, parties and meetings. In this vortex, having a sharp focus on your career objectives, mental health, and well-being is just as vital as physical beauty.

Nurturing a Distinctive Style

Here’s the thing – in a city that’s an eclectic melting pot of cultures, having a personal style that stands out, is crucial. Don’t just blend into the roster of pretty faces; let your individuality shine through. Whether it’s the way you walk, the way you carry a particular outfit or even the way your eyes can transform in front of the camera, discover what makes you unique and nurture it.

‘Remember, setting trends is always better than following them,’ my friend had once whispered to me right before a major show, and I can’t tell you how right he was. In Dubai, fashion is forward. To make a mark, dare to be different.

Getting Savvy with Socials

In the age of Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok, having an active and engaging social media presence can help you go far. Post creative, candid content alongside professional photos; it helps to personalise your brand and keep followers interested. Just remember to stay authentic. Followers can tell when something is fabricated or fake.

So, there you have it! The Dubai modelling world is your oyster — flashy, diverse, and full of potential. Are you ready for the spotlight?

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